Our Aim
To recognise that parents are entrusted with the responsibility of raising children in God’s way and seek to support parents in that task.
To seek to provide a Christian, God-centred education.
To provide a truly balanced education for pupils, aiding the development of each child’s potential to the full, academically, physically, socially and spiritually.
To promote good relationships with the community around us.
To welcome pupils from all sections of the community, regardless of parents’ economic status.
To welcome families of any or no religious affiliation provided that they are willing to have their children’s education founded on the school’s doctrinal basis and purpose.
To encourage parents to play an active part in the whole life of the school.

Our School Values
What's different about Christ-centred education?The whole curriculum and way of looking at the world is based on biblical principles, i.e. the world is God's and was made by God. He has a plan and a purpose for each person in it, all of whom are uniquely loved by him. We measure all our teaching by God's word and show the children how His word applies to everyday life.
Aren't you just indoctrinating children?We can never 'make' children into Christians - that's the convicting and regeneration of the Holy Spirit to which each child is free to respond personally.
Surely you're just sheltering them from a harsh world?No. We are teaching the children to see the world from God's point of view and to make their own decisions, knowing how God would have them handle difficult situations.
Shouldn't we be salt and light in our society?Yes. As adults, we should be right at the forefront but not putting our untrained, vulnerable children there. By giving them a sound Christian grounding we best prepare them to take their God-ordained place in society.
Is it academic?Certainly. It is important that each child is helped to reach his/her potential. We challenge children who are gifted and talented as well as giving appropriate support to those with special needs. Most of our pupils are achieving at or above national expectations for their age.
Do we have to pay any fees?Yes. We do not receive any grant or aid from the government. The fees are a set amount per pupil. More information can be found on our admissions page.